The need to have a diversified portfolio

The need to have a diversified portfolio

Thursday 25th January 2024
Katy Baxter

I have long recommended the need for clients to have a well diversified portfolio of investments. Although the last couple of years have had specific geo-political and economic challenges they have certainly not been unique and a look back in history shows how different assets perform in different years.
The image shows how each asset class has performed over the last 13 years. It is such a striking image and as they say a picture paints a thousand words. Forecasting is pretty much impossible and the case for diversification cannot be made any stronger. Please click here to view for a bigger view but if you would like a PDF copy of the image please email me.
At Montgomery Estate Planning we are strong advocates of multi-asset funds which have robust processes, a clear investment mandate and are backed by an experienced and proven team of managers. This is how we ensure our clients remain well diversified and have the best opportunity to meet their financial objectives.